Counsel of God

Scripture Reading - Acts 20:27 KJV

For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.

Today’s lesson continues on the subject of “Counsel”. We started teaching on the subject of the “Counselors of God’s Word” which includes the instructions of the Holy Bible, specifically reading, thinking and doing God’s Word. In another lesson we spoke about the “Counsel of Purpose” where we mentioned that all our purposes should also be derived from the Holy Word of God because deviating from God’s Word (His Will) always causes problems down the road. We have previously spoken about avoiding the “Counsel of Evil” where the inspiration is rooted in evil spirits. We reminded the reader that we are all in a war against darkness so avoid all contact with wicked spirits by recognizing their source. In another lesson we spoke about the “Counsel of Men”. Highlighting when men speak the idle ungodly thoughts that first come to their mind those idle ungodly thoughts don’t usually line up with God’s Word making it a bad thing. However in this lesson we will briefly speak about the other men, women and children in this world that do speak forth God’s Will. When a man (or a women or a child) chooses to speak forth God’s Word or God’s principles at the right time and in the right manner we (ihlcc) do consider that to be “godly counsel”. At a first glance many people would consider this to be a Pastor’s job and we would say Yes, and Amen! However, what would you think about all the elders of the church, “Shouldn’t they all counsel after the principles found in the Holy Word of God?” When we think about the many large churches we know certain members of the laity will never receive personal “counsel” from the Senior Pastor and certain parishioners may never speak to the Priest over their parish. Thus, since those people will still receive “counsel” from an elder of the church it should still be the “Counsel of God” by speaking to God’s People specifically what God would speak to them Himself. Let us go a step further if the members of the church or parish are speaking amongst themselves, “Would it be out-of-line for a member of that church or parish to speak ungodly words to another member?” Yes, indeed, it is not even right for members of a church to speak evil to non-members so how much more odious would it be for a believer to speak foul (foolish) words to a brother and/or sister in Christ. Now that we have covered all three basic levels of a church (the top leader, leadership and laity) we can still go one step further for confirmation by pointing to the scripture 1 Peter 4:11a KJV which states, “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” This verse confirms the fact that we should all speak the same godly words in the spirit of love after God’s Own Heart so that Jesus can be glorified by all members of His Body. Yes, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ should whole-heartily resemble God in Word (our everyday conversation) and in Deed (corresponding actions of Love). This means that fellow believers should not be so casual with their words. It is not OK to just speak freely whatever comes to your mind because quite often the thoughts that come to our mind on a regular (frequent) basis are ungodly. Yes, the god of this world (the world’s system) is the devil and he always plants evil or idle thoughts into the atmosphere hoping (encouraging, suggesting) the unlearned and ungodly people will receive them into their heart. Yes, it is very possible that even born-again believers will speak forth an evil thought giving birth to the agenda of the devil. Now we (ihlcc) know that many believers don’t realize that they are being used by the enemy of our souls to speak contrary to God but none-the-less they still are speaking outside of God’s Will. Do you know that many of those who cause division in the church outside of (apart from) the church leadership might be following the plan of the devil to destroy the local church? Do we realize that all spouses who commit adultery are fulfilling the plan of the evil one to steal all the family joy and peace to destroy a righteous family that was (and probably still is) God ordained? It is very easy to discern the people who are speaking words contrary to God’s Word (including His principles) are not building the Kingdom of God by rather supporting the kingdom of the devil, God’s chief opponent. We can even see that each Christian should study God’s Word daily to be able to speak to others daily because what you think is who you are and as you speak you most definitely are! This is not just for holy servants of God in the ministry but this mandate is for all believers all over this world because we are sure that God’s Word is the only language in Heaven and it is the cleansing\healing agent for this world. So be very cautious when giving “counsel” to another that you purposely give the “Counsel of God” as opposed to just the “counsel of man”. The “Counsel of God” finds its roots in the Holy Word of God and this “Counsel of God” is ministered in the Spirit of God which is the Spirit of Compassion. Yes, even as a side note we have seen this same “Counsel of God” even come through ungodly men when the Lord really needs to get a message across to one of His children. So, don’t be too surprised if a non-Christian speaks a word into your life that you know came from God because our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus are big enough to use whosoever or whatsoever to speak to His People when they (the children of God) need to hear from Him (The Lord). If God can speak through a non-born-again donkey (Numbers 22:28-34) certainly He can speak through men who choose to repeat His Words to those who need to hear them. Speaking the “Counsel of God” is never by accident but rather with purposeful thought and conviction of heart from the child of God who delights in pleasing their Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!